Food For Thought - beyondblue Hope, Recovery, Resilience

Beyond Blue & Chef's Hat

Food for Thought

food for thought

At the end of November, an evening was hosted by Malcolm Meiers, supported by Melbourne chefs and sponsored by Chef's Hat, Sous Vide Australia, Steele The Moments, Yarra Valley Farms St. Kilda, Cobb Lane Bakery, Flinders Island Meat, Clamms Seafood, and Cape Grim Beef. This event included an eight-course degustation, highlighting local produce and local talent in what was a unique and fun experience for a great cause.

As well as great food and drink the event had some exciting raffles and giveaways.

With the effects of depression and anxiety hitting so close to home for so many of us, Malcolm included, he decided to do something to help raise awareness - the best way he could with his previous experience in hospitality.

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dining food for thought chefs for thought
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