Combi vs Convection: Choosing the Right Oven for Your Commercial Kitchen | Chef's Hat Australia



Combi Vs. Convection



In the heat of the commercial kitchen, selecting the right oven can make the difference between delight and disaster. Two quintessential tools that command a professional kitchen are the convection oven and the combi oven. But, how do these two types of commercial kitchen equipment differ? What are their unique strengths and limitations, and how do they align with your culinary aspirations? This in-depth analysis and comprehensive guide will help you navigate the intricate world of convection and combi ovens, give you an understanding of their inner workings and practical applications for today's discerning chefs.


Convection ovens have etched their reputation as a reliable companion in commercial kitchens. Their design capitalises on fan-driven hot air circulation to ensure a consistent heat spread within the oven. This technological evolution doesn’t just expedite cooking times—it elevates food quality by eliminating cool air pockets around the food, promoting uniform cooking from all angles. Whether it’s a lavish roast or a delicate pastry, every ingredient receives consistent attention, eliminating hotspots or undercooked patches, and ultimately bolstering chefs' confidence. Two notable brands that have mastered this technology to deliver unparalleled performance are Smeg Foodservice and Turbofan.

Mastering Convection: Smeg's Contribution

Smeg's manual convection oven exemplifies the potency of refined convection cooking. Its five GN1/1 tray capacity and adjustable fan speed deliver precise, consistent cooking. Constructed from sturdy stainless steel with an Ever Clean enamel finish and an automatic washing system, it’s a robust and efficient piece of commercial kitchen equipment.

This compact oven champions easy operation with manual electromechanical controls and boasts a large glass door and a bright inner light for improved visibility. It arrives with four 435x320mm aluminium trays for baking and a double glass door with removable internal glass for convenient cleaning. Its compact design allows it to integrate effortlessly into modern commercial kitchens.

Ranging from 50-250°C, its temperature control is managed by an electromechanical timer and a two-speed engine, ensuring precision and consistency. The IPX protection and tilting door mechanism contribute to its longevity and easy maintenance, marking it as a worthy investment.

Embodying Convection Power: Turbofan

The Turbofan digital 5 tray convection oven is a testament to convection efficiency, boasting 20 distinct programs and 3-stage cooking. Equipped with stage-end alarms and a compact design, it serves as the perfect solution for kitchens where space is a constraint. Its unique fan system ensures even heat distribution, while its porcelain-enamel-lined interior facilitates easy cleaning. The oven is proficient in regenerating dishes, catering to a diverse range of clientele. An optional core probe kit enables accurate temperature monitoring.

With its prover and holding cabinet complementing the system, the Turbofan is a feature-rich solution, ideal for roasting, baking, and regeneration, demonstrating the resilient construction and ingenious design of convection ovens.


Combi ovens have transformed the commercial kitchen arena for some time now, by amalgamating convection's hot air technology with steam cooking's gentleness. This results in a flexible juggernaut capable of a wide range of culinary feats. The gold standard of which is the Rational iCombi Pro, a combi oven that defines the future of kitchen technology.

Rational iCombi Pro: The Jack of All Trades

The Rational iCombi Pro isn't just an oven; it's a comprehensive cooking solution. It integrates innovative features like iCookingSuite and iProductionManager, which automate intricate cooking processes, empowering chefs to focus on creativity and plating. ClimaPlus regulates humidity levels, striking the perfect balance between crispy exteriors and juicy interiors, creating perfect baked goods and succulent roasts.

Efficient CareControl simplifies maintenance with an automatic self-cleaning system that adjusts to the oven's usage and cleanliness. Rational's ConnectedCooking feature allows chefs to manage their oven remotely, a significant benefit for larger establishments or restaurant chains.

Unox CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™: Perfect Cooking. All day, Every Day.

Whether you are grilling, dehydrating, steaming, low temp cooking, sous vide cooking, regeneration, or pan frying; whatever your heart desires to cook, bake or make CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ has got you covered.

Made with Italian craftsmanship, this exceptional oven is equipped with Intelligence Performance Technology to ensure the perfect cooking process regardless if you are working with fresh or frozen ingredients. Featuring DRY.Plus which extracts humidity to maximise flavour; STEAM.Plus, which provides on-demand humidity for perfect baking; and AIR.Plus, which enhances heat transmission to unite and transform your food, Unox provides an exceptional and powerful cooking solution to unleash your cooking creativity in ways you have never thought possible before.


Choosing between a convection oven and a combi oven requires evaluating your kitchen's specific needs and culinary style. Convection ovens like Smeg or Turbofan models excel in efficiency, simplicity, and precision - they're best suited for kitchens with a focus on traditional roasting, baking, and regeneration where uniform dry heat is essential. Their predictable and reliable heating process makes it a trusted ally for chefs who value simplicity and efficiency.

In situations where space is a premium, convection ovens thrive. They are often compact yet robust, allowing smaller kitchens to deliver exceptional results without yielding valuable space. For the budget-aware chef, Smeg's commitment to quality and affordable price-point may be the deciding factor.

Conversely, combi ovens benefit chefs seeking versatility and control. Catering to a diverse menu requiring different cooking methods? Combi ovens like the Rational iCombi Pro or Unox CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ offer versatility, power and performance in five cooking modes - steam, hot air, combination, low-temp, finishing (such as browning, crisping, and searing) and multi-step cooking programs. The combi oven excels in high-end, high-volume environments such as fine dining restaurants or large catering events, where an array of dishes are prepared simultaneously.

The ability to automatically manage cooking paths can be a game-changer for chefs multitasking across various dishes. Perhaps the most significant advantage of a combi oven surfaces in the demanding environment of high-volume, varied menu cooking. Thanks to Rational and Unox, their respective combi ovens can cook different dishes simultaneously without flavour cross-contamination, saving time and boosting productivity.

In Conclusion

The choice between a convection oven and a combi oven should be tailored to the needs and aspirations of the chef and the kitchen. Convection ovens promise sturdy and reliable performance, while combi ovens offer versatility and precise control. Both have their strengths, and your final decision should resonate with your kitchen's workflow, your menu, and your culinary ambitions.

At Chef’s Hat, we’re committed to providing advice catered to your unique needs. Contact our sales team  to learn more about how the perfect oven can elevate your culinary journey.

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